Are you stuck on a roller coaster of income in real estate? Are you afraid of that not so steady income in real estate? I know the solutions to these issues.

Are you stuck on a roller coaster of income in real estate? Are you afraid of that not so steady income in real estate? I know the solutions to these issues.

I speak with agents outside the Les Walden Real Estate Team all the time and they described this roller coaster of income. They’d make money one month and no income the next month. After working hard to put deals together, they are not doing anything while taking care of admin work to get the deals to the closing table. While taking care of all the admin work, they are not doing anything to keep the pipeline of business going.

I also speak with people thinking of a career in real estate but they are afraid of a commission income vs an hourly paycheck. I get that.

Here at The Les Walden Real Estate Team we figured out how to take out the fear of a commission check versus hourly pay, and to avoid the roller coaster of income. It boils down to these two things:

  1. Have systems in place that will allow you to keep your pipeline of business full
  2. One on one coaching on how to apply the systems.

We do both of those here but that’s how agents anywhere can create a more consistent business and steady income.

People also want to get into real estate because of the idea of the freedom to control their schedule but that’s not going to happen unless they have the systems in place.

If you have further questions about this or anything to do with real estate, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send an email. I’d love to help you.