A better way to real estate sales success

What Should I Say When I Call Leads Back

  • What Should I Say When I Call Leads Back

    I'm sharing the memory peg that I have used for years to follow up with leads.

The Secrets of How to Generate a More Consistent Business and Incom...

  • The Secrets of How to Generate a More Consistent Business and Income in Real Estate

    Are you stuck on a roller coaster of income in real estate? Are you afraid of that not so steady income in real estate? I know the solutio...

The 6 Steps of Proven Process for Buyers

  • The 6 Steps of Proven Process for Buyers

    This is how we get great success in converting our buyers from from Lead to Family Forever.

The Biggest Contract Issue Between Signing & Closing

  • The Biggest Contract Issue Between Signing & Closing

    Here’s the biggest problem with real estate contracts and how to solve it.

Why Some Agents Struggle Converting Leads Into Clients

  • Why Some Agents Struggle Converting Leads Into Clients

    This is why building a relationship with your clients is important.

How You Can Provide Value to Your Sellers

  • How You Can Provide Value to Your Sellers

    An easy question you should ask your sellers to provide them with value.